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Thu, Jun 20


I let go of negative thoughts about money.

Group Money Ritual

Get your name on a candle on my altar of abundance. Welcome the energies of wealth and abundance into your life. Become a magnet to true abundance.

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Group Money Ritual
Group Money Ritual

Time & Location

Jun 20, 2024, 11:30 PM – 11:44 PM EDT

I let go of negative thoughts about money.


About the event

Get your name on a candle on my altar of abundance. Welcome the energies of wealth and abundance into your life. This event has been every Thursday with That Calee Sun since the summer of 2019.

 Affirm: I let go of negative thoughts about money. I let go of the idea of lack. I am a money magnet. Money flows to me effortlessly. I attract abundance and prosperity into my reality with ease. My relationship with money is healthy. My income increases daily. As my income increases, so does my ability and knowledge to handle it. I am worthy and deserving of everything I desire. When I do what I love, money flows to me endlessly. My actions are an investment in my future. 

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