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Experience Genuine Intuition and Guidance

Spiritual Advisory Readings

Welcome! I am a professional Intuitive, Tarot Card and Oracle Card Reader with years of experience since 2008. I have been blessed with a spiritual mission that allows me to help others on their own path to self discovery, happiness, love and financial freedom; and I am willing and ready to help you. Together we will journey into your past, current and future issues to find the answers you are looking for. Book below begin a serene and cleansing experience.

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My Journey

Learning through Experience

I have always been a very spiritual person; first becoming aware of my abilities when I was a preteen. I believe that Spirit has a way of guiding us forward through our lives with the help of experiences and spirit guides. Spirit blessed me with the gift of being able to connect with these guides and interpret their messages, and i love having the opportunity to connect my clients with their own personalized messages. My focus is to bring forth awareness and healing through love and knowledge, and to help guide others in their own spiritual journey.

Healing Stones
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